Sunday 18 October 2020

5 Upcoming Trends and Predictions of Embedded Systems in 2021

Smart trends have made us realize; life could be easier than it used to be. Machines are our friends, for they have always put our comfort first. Be it the calculator that solves complex mathematical queries in seconds, or a computer that brings the world on the tip of your finger. While the challenges of technology remain at the surface, the benefits have outdone the downside. Best embedded systems have the capability of turning our worlds around. The microcontrollers and processors in the embedded system allow specific tasks to run with convenience, due diligence, and efficacy.

The pandemic changed our world view within a few months. The dominance of machines and redundancy of physical space stood out as the consequence of this health crisis. It is then that humans realized the importance of embedded systems. Let us have a look at a few of the trends and predictions of an embedded system that are likely to transform the world for good.

Office Automation:

The most vital market of embedded systems is related to office automation. The scanners, card readers, and the electronic attendance system through the eye and facial recognition have made embedded systems a hit in automating the manual processes. Whether it is the biometric scanning or verification or speech recognition, embedded system development is evident in every major process. The complexity of the embedded system and the micro-processing capabilities have allowed working from home possible during the pandemic, a concept which most of us were naïve to.  

Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning:

Embedded systems incorporate a blend of hardware and software microcontrollers that are either built-in or programmed. The widely famous trend of the embedded system comes in the form of artificial intelligence. For the technology sector, embedded systems play an integral role in making AI products a problem solver. The programmability and functioning of the embedded system give rise to smart practices like voice recognition, virtual reality glasses, virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa. It is the smart performing microcontrollers, that manufacture the AI products and services. The advanced data management system or the online route navigation through Google requires machine learning brought forward by embedded systems. 


Over the coming few years, embedded system intelligence would be shown through high tech robots. The robots performing human duties like performing surgeries, assisting with the retail experience, and whatnot. For robotics to achieve that level of performance and capability, highly robust and dynamic embedded systems would be needed. The electrical vehicles or the self-driven cars are a part of robotics being highly sophisticated and complex in design. It is a virtue of an embedded system that a few months from now, machines would be automated to such an extent. 

Smart Technology:

Smartphones, Tabs, iPads, and smartwatches consisting of a highly sophisticated embedded system would gain a substantial market. The market for smart products will grow in the coming years. Wearable technology or complex devices like laptops and tabs are likely to experience a surge in demand for its many features and problem-solving capabilities.

Smart Home Appliances:

The most common usage of embedded systems is in the form of smart home appliances. The new systems are integrated with microcontrollers capable of functioning on their own, with commands given from afar. The remote controlling of air conditioners, LEDs, and security systems required robust embedded systems. Security systems are upgraded through better performing embedded systems.

Concepts and trends which were deemed impossible a score ago, are now becoming possible with the improvement of an embedded system. Time is the real judge here, and the deciding factor of what wonders may befall our way in the future.

Tuesday 6 October 2020

The Basics of Embedded System Designs

Would a human body survive if the brain stopped working? Would a person be considered sane if that happened? The logical and most obvious answer is, no! a human body cannot survive on its own without a functioning brain. No thoughts, no processing of information, no reflexes, no response, in short nothing would work in absence of a sane mind or brain. Our brain is the embedded system of our bodies. It is the central place where all external information from the outside world is concentrated, then processed and responses are triggered through five senses.

Embedded systems are the controllers and processors of anything mechanical, or otherwise. It is what makes the system work, it is what processes information in any machine. The processing unit of an app or a physical object, which enables its working. They are meant to perform tasks. They help to understand the working and functionality of a machine and its various characteristics. Embedded systems are mainly comprised of two elements,

  • Embedded System Software
  • Embedded System Hardware

Software: The physicality of processors in embedded software systems is replaced by programming functions. The codes are written off in a specific format to give the operating ability to an app or software. Unlike hardware, its longevity is guaranteed and it is non-perishable and non-volatile. 

Programming: As mentioned earlier, software embedded systems are either written through codes or programming. C, C++, or Java are some of the programming languages which are used by engineers to write an embedded system software program/app. 

Codes: Apart from programming languages, codes are the basic building blocks of a program. It ranges from simple and basic to complex coding formats, depending upon the operations an app or software is required to perform. Machine coding is however quite rare these days after the advent of programming. Coding, however, could sometimes be faulty therefore programming is preferred over coding. 

Hardware: There is always a choice when it comes to hardware embedded systems. It is either microcontroller or microprocessor-based. These systems, as understood by the name, are mostly associated with electronics or physical machinery. There are several parts of the hardware embedded system. It is more like a process. It includes a memory, input, output units, user interface, and display of the result.

                            Data Input         ------>     Processing       ----->        Output Result

Microcontroller based: in this sort of embedded system, very few components are used. It is often called the central processing unit or the CPU, like that of the computer/desktop computer. 

Microprocessor-based: it also contains a CPU, but some chips are also used in this as well for memory purposes. A circuit board exists with a lot of external chips and transistors etc. Microprocessor-based embedded systems work best for large equipment or units. 

Embedded System Designs

From accurate coding to machine learning, embedded system designs indicate the intricacy of operations a machine or software can perform. Modern-day electronic devices like mobiles and laptops use a highly intricate and complex embedded system to perform smart functions. A small touch feature on tabs, mobiles, and laptops includes systematic programming and intelligent embedded system designs behind it. 

Designs and development of embedded systems define the intelligence of machines and the functions they can perform. Their designs are directly related to artificial intelligence these devices exhibit. Software tools go into the designing of the embedded systems. Software developers accurately design the motherboards of systems that are efficient in working. From a calculator to a light bulb, every machine has an embedded system. The process is universal where input goes in and the output is generated through the embedded system.  

Thursday 20 August 2020

The Science Behind Embedded Systems

Have you ever wondered what goes behind a machine that gives it the capability to function intelligibly? The brains behind the entire system give the hardware and software its working capability. This brain is an embedded system. To put the concept into perspective, the combination of hardware and software is called an embedded system which enables the devices to perform a specific task or function. Embedded systems are found in automatic or semi-automatic electronic devices such as in a computer, the CPU is the embedded system or brain of the computer as we call it.

How Does an Embedded System Work?

The system consists of three vital components, 

  • Input Device
  • Microcontroller or the brain 
  • Output device

The user or environment triggered command is put through the input device via a sensor or remote control. The brain or the microcontroller collects the command from the input device and processing is done and the result is performed through the output device.

Imagine a calculator which is a perfect example of an embedded system that picks input through the buttons pressed by the user, the microprocessor or the controller executes the command/calculations and the result or the output is displayed on the screen.


Future of Embedded System

Some recent surveys have shown a positive inclination towards embedded systems and their exponential growth in the future. The industry is likely to touch $360 billion by the end of 2020 and will provide 1.2 million jobs by 2020 as well. From around the globe, countries are heavily investing in improved and complex embedded systems for better execution of their daily tasks. TCS, TATA, Volvo, and Toshiba are mentionable businesses that are encouraging the use of embedded systems in the new age of IoT. If you put a keen eye on every device and machine currently around us, an embedded system improvised according to the device’s use could be seen everywhere. Every electronic product is dependent on embedded systems. The future is an embedded system.  

Some of the noticeable trends for the future are mentioned below,

- Better Security: microcontroller security solutions in an era of the Internet of things, is forecasted to show an encouraging spurt of growth. Advanced systems incorporating embedded security will be the primary focus in the future.

- Energy Consumption: embedded devices are expected to incorporate new technology for lesser power consumption and higher performance. Fine-tuned embedded systems are in production to amplify the product quality. Along with energy, this could be a cost-effective solution in the future, benefiting the digital industry dramatically.

- Cloud Services Solution: cloud connectivity could be improved and vice versa when paired with embedded systems. Hardware and software complexities could be reduced using cloud connectivity tools along with an embedded system.

Embedded systems are an intelligent addition to the existing digital world with mature technology incorporation. More powerful processors could be invented using next-generation technology and devices like artificial intelligence and machine learning. 

Industrial Application

Embedded systems are a staple to the electronic devices thus impacting millions of businesses around the world. Some industries notably using embedded systems include aerospace, defense, medical field, automotive industry, and many more. Embedded systems that are robust impact the productivity of processes during the production of products. The overall efficiency of the process is rather enhanced and improved through robust embedded systems. Some industries that could largely benefit from such embedded systems include

  • Consumer electronic goods 
  • Telecommunication industry
  • Agriculture
  • Construction 

With a general myth that embedded systems increase the complexity of the processes, the current application of embedded systems tells us how simplified the tasks and processes get when paired with intelligent systems that work on a single command. The era of innovation and technology is ahead of us, we must make good use out of this to improve our businesses.

5 Upcoming Trends and Predictions of Embedded Systems in 2021

Smart trends have made us realize; life could be easier than it used to be. Machines are our friends, for they have always put our comfort f...